A survey was carried out in our class, to find out how green people are.

The results of the survey show that 13 people have used public transport in the last two weeks, but 10 have travelled into town by car.

Fortunately 10 people interviewed have bought a burger in plastic container and 9 have picked up litter and put it in a bin.

12 people haven’t taken bottles to a bottle bank or recycled paper, and 5 interviewed have paid more for something because it is environmentally friendly.

10 people have used plastic bags for their shopping, and 13 have bought organic fruit or vegetables in the last two weeks.

The most of the people interviewed have not seen wild animals whilst on holiday and have bought locally made gifts in the last year.

4 people have been in a large hotel resort in the last year, and only 3 have been with a local family while on holiday in the last year.

Unfortunately 7 people had a bath or shower for more then 5 minutes in the last month and 8 haven’t used a glass of water when brushing their teeth in the last weeks.

10 people have watered the plants in the garden in the last month and 12 people washed the car with a hose in the last month.

9 people haven’t brought their own refillable water bottle to school in the last month.

The results of the survey suggest that the students of  the second class of “ISTITUTO TECNICO AGRARIO” are quite green.




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